At a talent firm in Istanbul, agents scramble to keep their star clients happy and their business afloat. The agents will juggle one situation to another in circumstances that blend their personal and professional lives.

Feris, who was extremely happy with Serkan's marriage proposal, accepted the offer from America for 6 months after confronting the fact that Serkan could not divorce, and left his place to the Dicle. With the departure of Feris, a brand new era begins for Dicle. Ceyda, who took over the agency with an unexpected move, gives the signals to all managers that she will take root from the very first moment. Contrary to what she expected on the first day of his new life, tensions arise between Dicle, who was full of setbacks, and Barış, who does not want his partner in the project he will take part in. Çınar's words to prepare Arzu for the trial shoot both her and Arzu in trouble, while Kıraç's experiences at dinner with his actor Devin Özgün Çınar give him a great shock. Peride, on the other hand, sets out to find the child actor she worked years ago in order not to miss the high-budget advertising campaign.

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