The star-studded production follows the story of two families: On one end is the successful but stingy Namzet Horanta, the boss of Horanta Holding, a jewelry manufacturer. To his wife Latife, daughter Nazmiye, and sons Sinan and Buğra amazement, Namzet underwent a seemingly big change that caused him to forego his stingy ways for generosity instead.

Thanks to the aforementioned change, there will be a chain of interesting events that will keep the viewer hooked and entertained as Nazmiye's life will once again intersect with Osman, his former partner and greatest enemy.

Episode 7 is the seventh episode of season one of "Tövbeler Olsun". The episode premiered Sunday, September 20th, 2020 on TRT1 and has been marked as seen by 0 users.

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