The series centers on Mona (Dilan Çiçek Deniz), a young woman who grew up in an orphanage. She works for an online newspaper and has been reporting on house arson cases in different parts of Istanbul recently. On a day when she goes to the news about the fire, she comes across photo reporter Yakup (Serkay Tütüncü), who is also present, covering the same news. Although they secretly like each other, they bicker at each other because they have completely opposite personalities.

When Mona sees the discarded hair dye in Pelin's hand, along with the murder weapon she was after, all her suspicions are concentrated on Pelin. But it will soon turn out to be much more complicated than it seems.After Yakup's declaration of love, Necati no longer wants to see him with his daughter. However, important developments are taking place in the love of Yakup-Mona. Mona heals the wound in her father's heart with Yakup for the first time in years.On the other hand, while Mona and Leyla are trying to heal their wounds in the grip of past pain, their path ends up in the orphanage where they grew up for the first time in years. This emotional visit will affect both in different ways.

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