Çolpan Cevher is a renowned lawyer and has built the family business into Istanbul’s top divorce practice when her oldest daughter Azra suddenly leaves the firm to join a rival. Stubborn sister Sanem who is also a lawyer remains with her mother, while the little sister Güneş lives her life away from the law. To complicate matters more, their father shows up --- 25 years after running away with the nanny --- to reclaim his share of the family business.

The stable life of Azra is shaken when she learns the infidelity of her husband, who is also a divorce attorney and the couple have three beautiful children together. Despite all her professional experience, Azra is ill-prepared for her own divorce when she reconnects with an old flame at her new firm.

There is only so much room at the top, and eventually, Azra’s new firm sets out to crush her old one. In the midst of a nasty divorce, a reviving love affair, and a bitter business rivalry with her own mother, Azra is pushed to the very limit.

Realizing that she was trapped in the Ceyhun and Yasemin case, Azra is in big trouble. The Özdemirler couple are preparing to file a large lawsuit against not only Azra, but also Erman Arsen Law Office. Yel Sanem goes after a master swindler who defrauds women by introducing himself under different identities on dating sites. The method Sanem uses to reach the man will infuriate Bora. Colpan has agreed to help Erman to solve the paternity test problem, but it doesn't take long for him to realize that this is not as easy as he thought. While the duo try to prevent Bora from learning the result, they find themselves in an unexpected situation.

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