Leyla is a successful career woman who built a national restaurant chain from nothing, but she runs into the glass ceiling when an outsider is brought in to run the division. Worse yet, he’s the man who broke her heart at university! Leyla resigns in disgust and starts a new restaurant right across the street, going to war with her former firm and one-time lover. Leyla is determined to come out on top, but at what price?

We live in a world where women climb the stairs one by one and men take the elevator straight up. In the middle of this world, a determined, hardworking, strong woman; Leyla... The CEO of the restaurant chain she founded with her teeth and nails... Leyla, trying to maintain her existence as a woman in the world of men, begins to struggle with the consequences of a fire that suddenly broke out in the restaurant, but she is not yet aware that a huge problem is approaching step by step...

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