A sweet and exciting cop comedy, as described by Irem helvacıoğlu. In the series, where a murder subject will be dealt with every week, the adventures of Şahin and a psychologist named İpek, whose child's father disappeared after being involved in a murder, will be discussed. İpek, who started a job at the Police Department, and Şahin, the chief commissioner of the murder bureau, are two quite opposite characters.

Kadir's death causes an important break in İpek's life. Şahin gives Mehmet Amir the crime scene report, which includes İpek's meeting with Kadir. If this report is processed, it will be impossible for İpek to work safely. Şahin, who did not want İpek from the beginning, wants to use this opportunity. Although Ipek is afraid of losing her job, she does not hold back from doing her duty.

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