Summary of the story of today's life (hayat bugun) and its photos  

Show TV, a Turkish television network, plans to air a series called Hayat Bogun (Today's Life) based on the new Amsterdam series.

A high-ranking doctor named Barish Govner (played by Olaş Tuna Stepe) goes to one of the oldest hospitals in Istanbul, Hesaronu, and settles there.  

Now this hospital, which is considered one of the best hospitals of its time, is in a difficult situation and is going through a special period.

Now with the arrival of a young chief doctor, the adventures of the hospital are narrated to us: a story of the struggle over the events that happen on a daily basis and the struggle for the patients.  

Impossible loves, precious friendships and new life stories are happening in this hospital, which we will see soon to believe in the power of love, hope and sacrifice . The doors of this hospital will soon be opened for us on the TV show .  
