“Midnight at the Pera Palace” is adapted from the award-winning non-fiction book of the same name written by Charles King. The 8-episode series depicts a young journalist, Esra’s encounter with the legendary Pera Palace Hotel in Istanbul. When Esra is assigned to write a piece about the hotel, she accidentally discovers that one of the historic rooms is a portal to the year 1919. Thrust into the past, she lands in the middle of a political conspiracy against the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Together with Ahmet, the quirky hotel manager, Esra must protect the course of history and the future of Turkey. But Istanbul in 1919 is a dangerous place, and when Esra meets Halit, the handsome and mysterious owner of Istanbul’s wildest club, she realizes that in the Istanbul of 1919, nothing is as it seems and no one is who they say they are.

Episode 5 is the fifth episode of season one of "Pera Palas'ta Gece Yarısı". The episode premiered Thursday, March 3rd, 2022 on Netflix and has been marked as seen by 21 users.

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