The first look at the cranberry syrup series (Kızılcık Şerbeti)  

Show TV unveiled the synopsis and first images of its next drama series.

The Kızılcık Şerbeti series deals with the marriage between Doga (played by Sila Turkoglu) and Fatih (played by Doghukan Gungur). Two different people from completely different families.  

The author of this series is Melis Sivolak.  

Koyoljim (played by Urim Alasia) is an educated and modern woman whose realism is her characteristic. Now he has separated from his wife and stands on his own feet and raised his two daughters with his personal values and principles.  

His little daughter is a student in high school and her name is Chiman. His role is played by Celine Turkman.  

Dua is his eldest daughter and her role is played by Sila Turkoalo. He is studying dentistry. Kiviljim has one wish: for his children to be successful and happy.  

Desperate to marry Dua, the eldest daughter in her first year of university, she gets a new shock when her daughter meets the husband's family. The family of Dua's husband, Fatih (played by Dua Okan Gungur) is very traditional. He thinks that his daughter cannot live with that family. But secondly, his daughter has another idea and wants to overcome all problems with love.  

Now, the story of love between a family of one gender and a family of a completely different gender makes interesting narratives that will soon be shown on Shouty TV channel.
